Amerikanska online magasinset Parttime Audiophile ger varje år ut sin köprådslista över prisvärda och välljudande produkter. Förra året var fyra av Qlns modeller representerade. Prestige 1, Prestige 3, Prestige 5 och Signatur 5.
Inför nästa års köpråd (2025) upprepas samtliga modeller.
Prestige 1
These two-way stand-mounted bookshelf speakers from the extraordinary Swedish company competes with many of the best bookshelf monitors we’ve heard, and it comes at a price that makes us wonder why haven’t we purchased a pair for ourselves yet. Outstanding, balanced low frequencies in all but the largest rooms. “If you’ve heard the larger Prestige Threes playing at an audio show and you’ve fallen under their spell, you’ll be thrilled to know that much of that magic is present in the Prestige One.”
Läs mer om Qln Prestige 1 genom att klicka här
Prestige 3
We’ve been drooling over the Swedish-built Qln Prestige Threes, especially with Vinnie Rossi amplification, for a few years now, so it’s no surprise they’re still one of 2025’s best floorstanding loudspeakers. Once we tested these, we didn’t want to give them back. The Qlns throw up a huge sound, warm and yet crystalline, and you’ll stare in disbelief when you hear these very petite towers in action. We felt they did so many things exceptionally well, that we suggested that many different types of listeners will find them to be “all they need.”
Läs mer om Prestige 3 genom att klicka här
Prestige 5
Qln’s Prestige Five, along with the smaller Prestige Three, were so compelling that our reviewer wound up buying both pairs for himself. It’s no surprise that the PTA team is completely enamored with this Swedish speaker manufacturer; so much bass comes out of these still-petite enclosures that you’ll shake your head in disbelief. “Great imaging qualities and dynamic speed with an added something that gets us closer to the music,” we concluded.
Läs mer om Prestige 5 genom att klicka här
It’s no secret that the PTA staff adores Qln speakers from Sweden–some of us own them–so we had high expectations for the new flagship, which turned out to be a two-way monitor. The Signature is big and heavy (stands are an important choice here) and perhaps one of the most beautiful monitors ever made, which goes for both the looks and the sound. “The Qln Signatures make no apologies. They sound big and full and detailed and warm and once again I’m not so sure I need anything more to be happy,” our reviewer proclaimed.
Läs mer om Signatur genom att klicka här