EAM Lab Classic 202 Power Amp Expand

EAM Lab Classic 202 Power Amp



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59 000 kr


When the going gets tough we deploy heavy artillery. With the CLASSIC 202 power amplifier you can rest assured that any connected speaker will be tamed but at the same time respected. We don't tend to color the sound in any way, but only amplify it by doing it in the best possible way. From the power stage to the output stage, everything in this device has been oversized for exciting and long-lasting performance. Balanced inputs and dual mono architecture as usual in our electronics also reside in this powerful amplifier With almost 900 W per channel in impulsive mode you are sure to enjoy hours of music like you have never heard before. The inexhaustible dynamic reserve and the control of low frequencies are the distinctive feature of this music machine.

Dubbel monoförstärkare som fungerar i klass A upp till 10 Watt
• RMS-effekt per kanal @ 1Khz, båda kanalerna drivs
200W vid 8 ohm
360W @ 4 ohm
550W @ 2 ohm
• EIA-effekt per kanal från 20 Hz till 20 Khz, båda kanalerna drivna
330W vid 8 ohm
570W vid 4 ohm
890W @ 2 ohm
• Ingångsimpedans:
47 Kohm via XLR, 22 Kohm via RCA
• Sväng/hastighet
35 V/uS
• Dämpningsfaktor
>300 till 8 ohm vid 50hz / 150 Hz / 500 Hz
• Känslighet
2,4 Vrms för full effekt @ 8 ohm
• Frekvenssvar
10hz – 80Khz +/- 2db
• THD vs FR
0,003 % @ 1Khz för 200 Wrms @ 8 ohm
• Ingång CMRR > 80 db
• A-vägd SNR >103 db
• Mått 33 x 42 x 21 cm. (D x B x H)
• Vikt 27 kg

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